Interest Rate Update

30 year fixed
3.625% at zero points

The market has been in a volatile pattern the last week and a half. There has been some major swings in interest rates due to the uncertainly of the corona virus and the stock market. While it may not be uncommon to see rates in the 4’s then moving onto the 3’s in one day, it is best to take a the long term approach to this. Interest rates will settle down again and go lower. We could see these swings in the mortgage backed security sector for a few more weeks, but it is best to think of as temporary until there is more clarity in the marketplace. Once that happens, interest rates will go back to normal levels.

- Stuart Broughton from Premier Lending

For all your interest related questions, you can reach Stuart 24/7 at -

Rates are subject to change without notice and may fluctuate multiple times throughout the day. Posted rates do not constitute an offer to lend. All loans are subject to credit approval. This example is for informational purposes only. Please contact Stuart Broughton from Premier Lending for more information.