What Does 2021 Have in Store for Home Values?

What Does 2021 Have in Store for Home Values?

According to the latest CoreLogic Home Price Insights Report, nationwide home values increased by 8.2% over the last twelve months. The dramatic rise was brought about as the inventory of homes for sale reached historic lows at the same time buyer demand was buoyed by record-low mortgage rates.

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Real Estate Report - December

Real Estate Report - December

Hi Friends!

There is no doubt that 2020 has been a strange and challenging year! Despite the hardships , I am still so grateful to be a part of such a strong and resilient community! We, as a team are proud to still be doing our very best to make the selling and buying of real estate as easy as possible for our clients. I want to give a huge thank you to all of those who recommended buyers and sellers to the Cozza Team, because of that, this year we were able to donate $5,400 to Mentor Me local children mentoring program and $2,000 as part of our $2k Giveaway to local 3rd Grader Elec who is currently battling Leukemia.

Thank you for supporting our mission to give back!

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Home Values Projected To Keep Rising

Home Values Projected To Keep Rising

As we enter the final months of 2020 and continue to work through the challenges this year has brought, some of us wonder what impact continued economic uncertainty could have on home prices. Looking at the big picture, the rules of supply and demand will give us the clearest idea of what is to come.

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Real Estate Report - October

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$2K Giveaway

$2K Giveaway

What The Cozza Team loves MOST about real estate is giving back and helping people. In light of all the challenges our community has had to endure in 2020, our real estate team wants to give back! We all experience hardships. Having the support of family, friends, and community can make a big difference in someone’s life. Cozza Team wants to help our neighbors when they need us most. This November we will be giving away $2,000 to a local individual, family or nonprofit.

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Webinar- Home Buying In Today's Market

Webinar- Home Buying In Today's Market

Join our free webinar to learn all you need to know about the home buying process. Led by seasoned real estate agent Steven Cozza, we will discuss the 10 most crucial steps to take when buying a home in today's market.

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Is Now A Good Time To Move?

Is Now A Good Time To Move?

How long have you lived in your current home? If it’s been a while, you may be thinking about moving. According to the latest Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers by the National Association of Realtors (NAR), in 2019, homeowners were living in their homes for an average of 10 years. That’s a long time to be in one place, considering the average length of time homeowners used to stay put hovered closer to 6 years.

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How Are The Fires Affecting The Real Estate Market ?

How Are The Fires Affecting The Real Estate Market ?

With so many of our communities and neighbors negatively affected by the fires - a real estate report seems trivial. But we have clients still trying to make buying and selling decisions, so we will try to continue to deliver straightforward data on market conditions.

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