6 Things You Must Know Before You Buy a Home

6 Things You Must Know Before You Buy a Home

There are 6 common mistakes that many homebuyers make when it comes to their mortgage that can have a significant impact on the outcome of this critical step. If handled correctly, these issues could result in a mortgage that will cost you less over a shorter period of time. 

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Market Cycles in Bay Area Real Estate and The Coronavirus

Market Cycles  in Bay Area Real Estate and The Coronavirus

This article was written before the coronavirus – in fact, the first version was written over 10 years ago by our chief market analyst to help place the 2008 crash into context. We realize there are much more important things than real estate right now, but since some of our clients are trying to make decisions about buying and selling, we will continue to try to provide useful information on market trends and conditions. At this point, we cannot know how the current crisis will play out. 

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